Welding Technology
Degree Options:
Campus Location:
Greene County, Walton CountyDivision
Business, Industry & TechnologyIndividuals who graduate from ATC’s Welding program will be ready to work as a: Shielded Metal Arc Welder, Gas Tungsten Arc Welder, Gas Metal Arc Welding, or Pipe Welder. These skilled professions are among America’s highest demand in the workforce with a projected 50,000 job openings across the country annually.
This program gives students real life application in the welding field and in depth knowledge of the most current welding practices. Many job opportunities are available in this field such as nuclear pipe welding and local union jobs who look to Athens Tech to educate and equip students for such skilled employment. Students must have the proper clothing or PPE {Personal Protective Equipment} such as welding helmets, fire retardent long sleeve shirts and pants, as well as protective leather gloves. The ATC Welding department works closely with employers in welding fields to ensure that students get first hand knowledge of the available jobs in the area. These businesses include- IMI, RAI, Kubota, Caterpillar, and local welding unions.
Specific Facility, Tools Or Educational Tools Available
The welding labs give students the opportunity to experience a variety of welding applications and develop skills in shielded metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding and gas metal arc welding while in a safe environment.
Featured Courses
COFC 1080- Construction Trades Core / WELD 1105- Gas Metal Arc Welding- Aluminum / WELD 1015- Shielded Metal Arc Welding I
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