Accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing clerks are financial record keepers. They update and maintain accounting records, including those that calculate expenditures, receipts, accounts payable and receivable, and profit and loss.
Courses can be taken on-campus, online, or at some high school locations. For eligible students, ATC courses can be taken free of charge covering tuition, mandatory fees, and textbooks. The Office of Dual Enrollment is here to assist you in navigating this opportunity to get a head start on your college career. If you have any questions, please send us an email at
• Current students in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade enrolled in an eligible public or private high school or home school program in Georgia are eligible to participate in the ATC dual enrollment program.
• 11th and 12th grade students interested in diploma or certificate programs must submit an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher after the completion of the 10th grade or other admission test score requirements. • 11th and 12th grade students interested in degree programs must submit an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher after the completion of the 10th grade or other admission test score requirements. • 10th grade students interested in diploma or certificate programs must submit an overall GPA of 2.0 or higher after the completion of the 9th grade or other admission test score requirements. • 10th grade students interested in degree programs that would like to receive dual enrollment funding must have a minimum SAT score of 1200 or a minimum ACT composite score of 26 in a single national test administration. ATC and Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC) must have the official test scores on file.* SAT 1200/ACT 26 scores are required for 10th-grade students choosing Associate Degree level courses.
* SAT 1200/ACT 26 scores are required for 10th-grade students choosing Associate Degree level courses.
ATC offers a variety of courses each semester. You can find the programs available to Dual Enrollment students further down this page.
Please review the dual enrollment course directory here. There are 28 general education courses taught by TCSG colleges that are guaranteed to transfer to any of the University System of Georgia’s colleges and universities. TCSG has transfer agreements with many of Georgia’s private colleges as well. Learn more about GATRACS Course Transfer Information and see TCSG’s Dual Enrollment page for more information.
1. Meet with your high school or home school counselor prior to class registration to discuss the dual enrollment courses you are approved to take. Next, communicate with your ATC dual enrollment advisor to be registered for dual enrollment at ATC.
a. Please note that dual enrollment students cannot register themselves for classes at ATC.
2. To view the ATC classes offered, visit Next, select “Banner,” select “Registration,” select, “Look up Class,” and select “View Sections.”
a. When looking for a class, please make sure the class has seats remaining and that it is not closed. Open classes are referenced as “SR” for still remaining and closed classes are referenced as “C” for closed.
b. If you are choosing a science course (ex: BIOL 1111), you must also choose the science lab course (ex: BIOL 1111L) that goes with it by matching the section numbers.
c. Review the start and end dates as some courses are minimester courses for the first and last part of the term. Please note that “F” is the first half of the term and “L” is the last half of the term.
d. Find the location of the class you wish to take. ATC has four college campus locations: Athens/Main, Elbert, Greene, and Walton as well as Online and High School sites where classes are offered. You must choose the specific location for your class, and you are not allowed to attend a class offered at a high school that you do not attend.
3. Email your ATC DE advisor to get registered for your DE courses. Please note that you are dually enrolled and it does not mean that you are registered at ATC if the college courses are listed on your high school schedule. Your college advisor must register you for DE at ATC.
a. Email your ATC DE advisor the following information:
i. Your official full name
ii. Your ATC college ID number
iii. The name of your high school and counselor
iv. The high school grade you are currently enrolled in
v. The subject of the course (ex: ENGL 1101)
vi. The five-digit CRN (course registration number) of the course (ex: 20123)
4. To confirm your ATC DE course registration, please visit your ATC Banner Web account and review your college schedule for accuracy.
Tracie McGhee – High School Coordinator ( or 706-425-3060)
Serving Elbert, Madison, Morgan, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, Washington Wilkes, and Home Schools
Jannah Zinker, Career Academy Coordinator ( or 706-552-0985)
Serving Clarke, Greene, Hart, Social Circle, and Walton
Accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing clerks are financial record keepers. They update and maintain accounting records, including those that calculate expenditures, receipts, accounts payable and receivable, and profit and loss.
From plant growth and farm management to food processing and farm maintenance, our program offers a well-rounded overview of business and production.
The Air Conditioning Technology program offers a very hands-on, applied approach to learning the skills necessary to work in the heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration industry.
In addition to the skills and knowledge obtained in technical diploma programs, students can take a step further and obtain degree-level general education knowledge and business skills.
The automotive collision repair program provides the training that allows graduates a great start in the collision repair industry.
Automotive service technicians inspect, maintain, and repair automobiles and light trucks. They perform basic care maintenance, diagnose problems, and plan and execute vehicle repairs.
Simply put, bioscience (or biotechnology) is the use of living organisms, or components of living organisms, to enrich our lives by making better foods, vaccines, medicines, and other products.
Whether it’s becoming an entrepreneur, crunching numbers or managing employees, the business management program can put you on the pathway to success.
Do you describe yourself as a ‘techie,” or do your friends and family regularly ask you for computer support? If so, the computer support specialist program might be the perfect fit for you!
Do you enjoy being outside and learning about the environment? Learn about how humans interact with wildlife, including all applicable laws in one of our newest programs.
The beauty industry is a vast field with plenty of exciting opportunities for careers in cosmetology—and it’s growing, whether you want to own your own salon or spa, or work as a beauty professional in fashion, film or television.
Police officers protect lives and property while ensuring community safety and responding to crisis events.
Do you consider yourself a foodie? Turn your culinary passion into a career by learning the science, art and management of food preparation.
Diesel service technicians and mechanics repair and maintain the diesel engines that power transportation vehicles and heavy industrial equipment.
Do you like to problem solve or figure out how things work? Drafting is an essential step in the engineering process that allows designers to turn their ideas into reality.
This program prepares graduates to work with children and families in a variety of settings, with classes that require students to make learning materials that students will be able to instantly use with children.
The Electrical Construction Systems Technology program prepares students for good-paying careers in residential, commercial and industrial electrical positions.
Emerging technologists work with advanced technologies to increase the flow of communication, expand profit margin, and/or deliver products both internal and external of the organization.
If you want an engineering-related career with a hands-on practical approach, you’ll learn cutting-edge technology areas enabling graduates to meet the changing needs of this growing industry.
While major programs focus within a chosen specialization, general education or core courses provide a broad understanding within a variety of disciplines.
Graduates will be employed as personnel to register patients for admittance to the hospital, outpatient surgery, procedures, diagnostics, physical rehab (physical therapy), clinics, specialty treatment centers, emergency rooms, and other healthcare facilities.
Hospitality is the second largest industry in Georgia, and the HRTM program at Athens Tech prepares students for a wide range of careers in one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy.
Industrial systems technicians maintain and repair the various machines used in industry. Their job title may be industrial electrician or industrial mechanic, but more often it is automation technician.
The Associate of Applied Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) allows a student to build a strong academic foundation in the general education core curriculum, as well as select from a variety of occupational concentrations in business and health sciences depending upon the student’s professional goals.
The interior design is ideal for an individual who enjoys mixing creativity with technical skills.
Gain expertise that will allow you to effectively manage a business’s product portfolio, social media platforms and marketing resources.
Demand for information technology workers is high and should continue to grow as firms invest in newer, faster technology and mobile networks.
The American Bar Association (ABA)-approved paralegal studies program educates students for positions as paralegals as a means of improving the quality, accessibility, and affordability of legal services.
Machinists use lathes, milling machines, grinders, and other types of machine tools to produce precision metal parts.
Social Work is one of the fastest growing and most versatile careers in the U.S. Its mission is to enhance wellbeing and to help improve quality of life by focusing on both the person and the environment.
Welding is the most common way of permanently joining metal parts by melting and fusing them to form a permanent bond.