Jackson EMC Grants $20K to Athens Technical College for the Construction of Simulation Lab

Athens, GA –  On Friday, August 9, 2024, Jackson EMC donated $20,000 towards the construction of the new Simulation Lab on the Athens Campus of Athens Technical College. The donation was accepted by ATC President, Dr. Andrea Daniel, and Athens Tech Foundation Director, Jen Welborn during a small ceremony that took place at the Training House on campus.

The Simulation Lab is designed to enhance the hands-on learning by providing a realistic and safe environment to practice HVAC and electrical installations. This lab will give real-world scenarios and students will be better equipped to meet the demands of the ever-evolving HVAC and electrical industries while also boosting employability, allowing them to be more competitive in the job market.

Dr. Andrea D. Daniel, President of Athens Technical College stated: “We are very excited to have the opportunity for our students to obtain their Air Conditioning Systems Installation Certificate through a realistic setting. The facility’s design facilitates the cyclical use of the space, allowing students to practice, refine techniques, and revisit complex installation procedures until they achieve mastery. We are able to guarantee that our students will be ready to meet the demands of the evolving industry.”

Thank you, Jackson EMC, for your generous donation and for supporting our students.



Athens Technical College is an Equal Opportunity Institution and a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia.  To learn more about Athens Technical College visit www.AthensTech.edu.
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Front row: Patricia Dixen (Retired and Foundation Board Member), Dr. Daniel, Jen Welborn, John Skinner (Commercial Industrial Engineer at Jackson EMC and Foundation Board Member)

Back row: Coleman, April Sorrow (Vice President of Communication at Jackson EMC), David Cleveland (Managing Director of Business Development and Governmental Affairs at Jackson EMC), Lee Chapman (Executive Vice President of External Affairs at Jackson EMC and TCSG Board Member), Christy Queen (Director of Residential Marketing at Jackson EMC).