If you need the Police or Security:

Police & Security Office

On-Duty Security Officer

On-Duty Police Officer

The Police Department along with Security Officers can be seen patrolling the parking areas as well as walking the hallways of the buildings of Athens Technical College. Please feel free to approach any of our officers for information on any of the Athens Technical College Campuses.

To ensure the safety and security of students and staff, the Chief of Police coordinates all law enforcement and security functions on all campuses of Athens Technical College. The department consists of sworn certified police officers, whose duties include enforcing laws, preventing and investigating crimes, providing security, and encouraging safety awareness.

Report Potential Problems

If you observe suspicious behavior, report your observations to security immediately by calling 706-621-9817. Come to the Student Development Services office if you are unable to locate the security officer.

Campus Alerts

Athens Technical College uses the RAVE Alert System to send emergency notification information to faculty, staff, and students as required by federal law.

Athens Technical College has adopted, for your safety, an opt-out system in regards to RAVE’s emergency alerts via your student or staff email. Opt-out means you will have to log in to RAVE and turn off alerts to stop receiving them, however, this is not recommended. Currently, you’ll only have to opt-out of email alerts or opt-in for additional methods of alerting (phone and/or SMS messaging).

In an emergency such as a tornado warning or building evacuation, Athens Technical College will use the RAVE Alert system to send voice and/or text messages to landlines, cellular phones, and email accounts.


Student Parking stickers may be obtained in the Admissions office. These parking stickers must be displayed on all student vehicles parked on campus. Parking areas for students use have been specifically designated. Illegally parked vehicles (those without proper parking stickers or those parked in reserved or restricted areas) will be issued parking tickets.

A security guard patrols the campus to provide security for students and their vehicles, to enforce parking regulations, and to assist with vehicle-related problems. Parked areas are lighted, however, when you return to your vehicle after dark, get a classmate to go with you. Look at the vehicle carefully before you enter, checking the back seat and floor as well as glancing under the vehicle. Contact the admissions office for security guard assistance or other needed assistance.

Bus Route & Transportation

The Athens Transit Authority provides bus services to Athens Technical College. To obtain route information and schedule, visit the website www.accgov.com/199/Transit or call (706) 613-3430.

Special Arrangements/Escort Service

Occasionally students have events occurring in their lives that require special arrangements to minimize risk to them. Students may receive special consideration if they report their circumstances to security or to the vice president for student affairs. After evaluation, special parking may be arranged, including escort service to your vehicle. Please notify us of any concerns about your safety.

Hazardous Weather Conditions

Announcements regarding campus closure due to hazardous weather conditions will be made to local radio stations as early as possible. Since we serve a large geographic area, and on occasion conditions may vary in areas outside Clarke County, students should use their own judgment regarding the safety of travel conditions. Campus alerts will also be sent via the RAVE System.

Three Steps for Preventing Theft

Most incidents reported on our campus involved damages to property rather than personal damages. Minimize your chances of theft by following these common-sense rules:

  1. Don’t Leave Your Property Unattended! The theft of books, purses and backpacks is common. Make certain your property is secure and not left unattended for any reason. Petty thieves are drawn to book thefts because of their resale value. For your protection, the bookstore requires a picture ID before buying any book from a student.
  2. Lock Up. Lock your vehicle. A security officer patrols the campus in an attempt to protect your vehicle from vandalism and theft. Locking your vehicle will discourage the amateur thief and make it more complicated for the professional. By locking your vehicle, you increase the likelihood that someone will notice what is happening.
  3. Identify Your Property. Put your name and address on property and inside the cover of textbooks when possible. Engrave some identifying mark on items whenever appropriate.

Officers’ Jurisdiction

According to Georgia state law, O.C.G.A. 20-4-39, Campus Policemen and other Security Personnel who are regular employees of the Technical College System of Georgia shall have the power to make arrests for offenses committed upon any property under the jurisdiction of the Technical College System of Georgia and for offenses committed upon any public or private property within 500 feet of such property.

All ATC police officers have the power of arrest and the authority to enforce all state laws. If an offense occurs within the officers’ jurisdiction, they can leave this area to pursue an offender.