Competitive Health

Applicants for specific health-related programs of study may be admitted to the college prior to being officially accepted to their desired programs of study. Enrollment in the college (but not the program) allows students to complete any learning support and required general core courses. This process does not guarantee that students will be accepted for competitive health programs.

Steps for Competitive Health Admissions

Because admission to health programs is competitive, applicants seeking admission to health-related programs of study must satisfy additional criteria not included in the section on General Admission Requirements. All health program admission criteria must be fulfilled and documentation must be on file in the Admissions Office by the application deadline listed for that program.

The scores listed for each measure are the minimum scores needed to be considered for admission. The actual scores of those selected for the program may be higher than the stated minimums. Applicants not selected for admission to the program must reapply in order to be considered again during the next selection period. Applicants not selected are encouraged to meet with the dean of Life Sciences and Public Safety or a member of the program faculty to discuss ways to improve their candidacy or to discuss other educational options.

Apply to the college for general admissions.

Speak with a pre-health advisor in the Advising Center.

Schedule and take a health placement exam (if required).

Submit a program intent form and other required information prior to the selective admissions deadline. Specific details and links to the intent forms are located in the College Catalog.

Information Sessions

Dental Programs

The Dental Hygiene Program requires that all applicants attend a mandatory virtual information session in the year before they apply for the Program. They usually last about 30 to 40 minutes, and time is available to ask questions after the program information has been discussed. Sessions are held three times a year. To register for one of these online sessions, please email

Information sessions for Dental Assisting are not required for admissions but are strongly recommended. To register for one of these online sessions, please email to sign up so you can receive a link to attend the session.

Radiography Program

Mandatory Information Sessions focused on the associate degree program in Radiography are offered on the Athens Campus:

  • Thursday Nov. 7 2:00-3:00 PM and 5:00-6:00 PM.    Building A, Room A-130
  • Thursday Apr. 10 2:00-3:00 PM and 5:00-6:00 PM.   Auditorium in Building F
  • Thursday May 29 2:00-3:00 PM and 5:00-6:00 PM.   Auditorium in Building F

**Registration is not required.

***All Applicants Must Present A Government-Issued Driver’s License at the Orientation Session Attended***

Contact: Amanda Stanley (706) 583-2693

Veterinary Technology Program

Information sessions are intended for prospective students applying for admission into the VT Program. All applicants are highly encouraged to attend one information session in the same year in which admission is being sought for Fall.

Before attending an information session, applicants must first read the detailed materials that are available online within the Programs of Study for Veterinary Technology.  To register for a VTP information session, please email If a prospective applicant has additional questions specific to the VT program, please email

Practical Nursing Full-time Day (3 semesters) and Part-time Evening Program (5 semesters)

Information sessions will be held every February date to be determined at the Elbert County Campus Auditorium building 500 at 10 am. This session is intended for prospective applicants that are interested in applying for admission to either of the Practical Nursing Programs. Prospective students should register with the following faculty: and All interested applicants are required to read the admission requirements and program information prior to attending.


Inquiries for the Associate of Science in Nursing program and Bridge program will be answered by Dr. Perrin by phone or e-mail at (706) 355-5063 or

Surgical Technology

The Surgical Technology Program requires that all applicants attend a mandatory information session on one of the following dates for Spring 2025 program:

  • Tuesday, June 3rd at 3:00pm in Room A-236
  • Thursday, June 12th at 6:00pm in Room A-236
  • Wednesday, July 16th at 3:00pm in Room A-236
  • Wednesday, July 23rd at 3:00pm in Room A-236
  • Friday, August 1st at 9:00am in Room A-236
  • Tuesday, August 19th at 6:00pm in Room A-236
  • Friday, August 22nd at 9:00am in Room A-236
  • Thursday, August 28th at 8:00am, 11:00am, 6pm in Room A-236

All interested applicants are required to read the admission requirements and program information prior to attending. Link:

RSVP for an information session, contact program chair Denelle White by e-mail

***All Applicants Must Present A Government-Issued Driver’s License at the Orientation Session Attended***


Mandatory Information Sessions focused on the associate degree program in Bioscience are offered on the Athens Campus:

  • Monday 3/17/25 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

All sessions will be held in A251

***All Applicants Must Present A Government-Issued ID at the Orientation Session Attended***

Contact: Dr. Nicole Parker (706) 583 2886